Alton Construction Injury Lawyer

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Alton Construction Injury Lawyer

Alton Construction Injury Attorney

Construction sites carry a great risk of injury due to the high potential for serious accidents. Falling debris, malfunctioning equipment, or hazardous substances are just a few of the possible threats that could lead to a nasty accident. If you are a construction worker and have suffered a serious injury on a job site, you could be looking at workers’ compensation benefits for the foreseeable future. To learn more about how you might qualify, speak to an Alton workers’ compensation lawyer.

Illinois Workers’ Comp

Illinois state law declares that any company that employs at least one employee must obtain workers’ compensation insurance just in case something were to happen. If a company fails to do so, they can be fined up to $500 every day until they do.

Any number of potential accidents can occur on a construction site. It is important to always be aware of your surroundings while working in a dangerous environment. Otherwise, you could suffer a serious injury. An Alton construction injury lawyer could help you develop a case to seek appropriate compensation for your injury.

Common Causes of Construction Injuries

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) describes the top four most dangerous construction hazards as the “Fatal Four,” as they are the construction industry’s leading causes of deaths and catastrophic injuries. If you are injured on a construction site, you may want to speak to an Alton personal injury lawyer. Some of the more common causes of construction site injuries that can afflict construction workers or even people passing by include:

  • Bad Falls: Construction sites can be home to great heights, with people often doing construction work on rooftops, scaffolding, and staircases. Scaffolding can collapse due to an exceeded weight limit, ladders can be used improperly, and missing guardrails can cause workers to fall down staircases.It is important to protect yourself from potential falls by wearing harnesses or other fall-prevention equipment or simply ensuring that you use ladders and scaffolding correctly and safely.
  • Caught-In or Caught-Between: Workers get caught in machinery or get caught in between machinery and walls more often than you might expect. In fact, according to OSHA, it is the third largest cause of construction site injuries and deaths. Getting caught in machinery is almost always catastrophic and can result in serious, life-changing injuries if you survive the accident.The most effective way to avoid finding yourself in a caught-in/caught-between situation is to be aware of your surroundings and always ensure you have a quick exit wherever you are working. Make sure other workers know where you are before engaging in a task that could result in such an accident.
  • Struck-Bys: Construction sites see a lot of moving equipment and vehicles. With so much consistent action every day, accidents happen. Getting struck by a piece of construction equipment can be devastating and is often the result of improper training or negligent behavior. To prevent these kinds of accidents, do whatever you can to avoid getting trapped between moving vehicles and fixed objects.
  • Electrocutions: Electrical hazards are constantly present on construction sites, and while they can vary in intensity, they often result in catastrophic injuries or death. Preventing electrocutions can be as simple as identifying loose wiring onsite and doing what you can to mark the area with warnings. Always double-check your equipment before using it, as faulty equipment can also lead to electrocution.


Q: How Much Do Lawyers Usually Take From a Settlement in Illinois?

A: The amount that a lawyer will take from your settlement in Illinois is entirely dependent on the lawyer you hire and the agreed-upon amount that is considered part of their fee. You and your lawyer will decide on an amount prior to hiring them. If your lawyer is working on a contingency fee basis, they will likely take a portion of your settlement as their entire fee, as you would not pay them unless they won your case.

Q: What Is the Statute of Limitations for Construction Injuries in Illinois?

A: The statute of limitations for construction injuries depends on the specific circumstances of your incident. Speaking with an attorney shortly after your injury can help you understand the appropriate actions to take after an injury and how long you have to file a claim. Missing the statute of limitations is likely to prevent you from recovering any compensation for your injuries, as your case will no longer be valid.

Q: Do I Need an Attorney if I am Injured on a Construction Site?

A: If you are injured on a construction site, it is typically recommended that you speak with a personal injury attorney. They can help you determine if you have a case and if any compensation offered in recompense is appropriate. They can also handle your case if it needs to progress to litigation in the court system. Though it is not required to speak with an attorney, it can have numerous benefits, including increasing the compensation you recover.

Q: What Injuries Are Common on a Construction Site?

A: According to OSHA, there are four injuries that are especially common on construction sites. They are falls, caught in or caught between injuries, struck by injuries, and electrocutions. If you have suffered any of these injuries, speaking with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can help you understand your options for recovering any damages that result from the injuries. It is important to recover any compensation you are owed.

Reach Out to an Experienced Alton Construction Injury Lawyer Today

Construction sites have a great deal of potential for deadly, life-altering accidents. If you are a construction worker and have suffered a workplace injury, you may wish to file for workers’ compensation. Consulting with an experienced injury lawyer can be a good first step towards pursuing workers’ comp.

Joshua R. Evans, Attorney at Law, is prepared to help you develop your case and pursue compensation by gathering evidence, speaking with witnesses, and representing your interests against insurance companies. Reach out to speak to a valued team member and learn more about how we can help you.

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105 N.State Street
Jerseyville, IL 62052

phone: (618) 498-0001

fax: 618-266-2845

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