Carlinville Car Accident Lawyer

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Carlinville Car Accident Lawyer

Carlinville Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents can happen to anyone, regardless of demographics. Car accidents can be mildly infuriating, horrifically deadly, and everything in between. Facing the aftermath of a particularly bad accident can feel daunting and stressful, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. Reach out to a Carlinville car accident lawyer to learn how they can help you during this difficult time.

Thanks to Illinois state law, almost every driver in the state is required to carry insurance in the event of a bad accident, particularly liability insurance. After all, it is important to be properly covered in the event of an accident, especially since Illinois liability insurance protects drivers from uninsured motorists.

If you are involved in a car accident and were injured or your property was damaged, you may want to speak with a Carlinville personal injury lawyer. They can help you build a personal injury claim and seek compensatory damages.

How to Protect Yourself After a Car Accident

Car accidents in Carlinville can be wildly unpredictable, physically devastating, and emotionally disastrous. If you are ever involved in one, it is vital that you understand what to do to protect yourself and your interests, as well as your future claim. If your injuries at the time are not all that severe, you may be able to start developing your personal injury claim from the start. Here are some important steps you can take to protect your interests in the event of a car accident:

  • Stay Calm and Collected: Car accidents are scary. They often come out of nowhere, and we cause many to lose all sense of control. Once the accident has happened, it is important that you try not to panic. Panicking is not productive and can only make the situation feel scarier and even more out of control. Do what you must to compose yourself, take a deep breath, and try to assess your situation to determine your next steps.
  • Check Yourself for Injuries: Once you have composed yourself, you can begin to check yourself for any obvious injuries you have obtained, such as cuts, bruises, burns, or broken bones. You might not immediately recognize any signs of internal damage, and it is important that you go see a doctor later to make sure you don’t have any.
  • Call 911: Once you have checked yourself for injuries, call the authorities. Make sure you request police presence and an ambulance. Police will be necessary to lock down the scene of the accident and write a report, and paramedics can check you and any passengers for additional injuries you may have missed while doing your own checks.
  • Do Not Flee: If you attempt to flee the scene of an accident, you could face severe legal repercussions. Fleeing the scene of an accident without giving out your information to the authorities or to the other driver is considered a Class A misdemeanor in Illinois. When the police arrive and take your statement, be totally honest and transparent with them, but try your hardest not to admit any fault for the accident.
  • Document the Scene: When the police have cleared the scene, you can start to document it for your own records. Be sure to take many photos of your injuries, the damage done to all vehicles involved, any property damage that occurred, and any road conditions that may have contributed to the accident. Be sure to talk to any witnesses who may have seen the accident.
  • Speak with a Lawyer: After the accident has happened and you have documented it, be sure to consult with an experienced car accident lawyer to start developing your claim. Your lawyer will speak with the other driver’s insurance company on your behalf, while you will have to notify yours of the accident.


Q: What Happens if Medical Bills Exceed Policy Limits in Illinois?

A: If your medical bills exceed the at-fault driver’s policy limits in Illinois, you may have to find other avenues to pay the remaining amount. Your car accident lawyer can help you figure out a plan, such as pursuing an additional personal injury claim for the remaining sum. You will likely have options outside of paying the leftover amount yourself, and your lawyer may be able to advise you how successful these other avenues are likely to be.

Q: Who Determines Fault in a Car Accident in Illinois?

A: The police and insurance companies will largely determine fault in a car accident in Illinois. However, if both parties are unable to reach a settlement through compromise, the fault of the accident will be decided by the Illinois courts. Your lawyer will prepare a case that attempts to prove the other party is liable for all of your damages, while the other driver’s counsel will do the same to prove your negligence. The court will then issue a verdict.

Q: Is Illinois a No-Fault Accident State?

A: No, Illinois is an at-fault state for car accidents. The party that is found to be liable for an accident is responsible for reimbursing the other party for any damages they have sustained as a result, such as lost wages, medical costs, property damage, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. Determining the amount for these damages can be difficult, but an attorney can suggest an appropriate amount.

Q: Who Is Usually at Fault in a Car Crash?

A: There is no way to determine who is usually found to be at fault in a car crash. It depends entirely on the crash itself and the details surrounding it. Every car crash is different, as there are different causes, different circumstances, and different drivers every single time. The evidence will show who is at fault in your car accident case.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today

Few things in life can be as unsettling as surviving a bad car accident. It is important that you hold the responsible party accountable for causing the accident, and an experienced car accident lawyer can help you do that. Reach out to the team at Joshua R. Evans, Attorney at Law, to learn more about how we can help you build your case.

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105 N.State Street
Jerseyville, IL 62052

phone: (618) 498-0001

fax: 618-266-2845

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