Edwardsville Construction Injury Lawyer

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Edwardsville Construction Injury Attorney

Governmental regulations take steps to make construction sites as safe as possible, limiting the potential risks. Even so, accidents occur on construction sites, harming bystanders and employees on site. When a construction accident occurs, an Edwardsville construction injury lawyer is necessary to determine if you can file a claim for your damages.

Employees have a much higher risk of injury and developmental illness while working. While non-employees can file a personal injury claim if someone is at fault, employees can file a workers’ compensation claim regardless of fault. Employees can also recover compensation through a personal injury claim in rare cases. An Edwardsville workers’ compensation lawyer can help you take the right steps.

What Are Common Types of Construction Accidents in Edwardsville?

Construction site accidents can cause minor injuries, but they also can potentially cause catastrophic and even fatal damages. Hazards are often present in the form of dangerous chemicals, hazardous materials, and heavy machinery.

However, these hazards are compounded when employers, employees, or others fail to take appropriate care, are improperly trained, or ignore safety regulations. Some of the most common construction site accidents in Edwardsville, IL include:

  • Falls: Construction work often includes work at significant heights, including on scaffolding, roofs, staircases, unfinished buildings, and tall construction vehicles. Falls from high heights can cause catastrophic and fatal injuries. Even seemingly minor falls can cause devastating harm.If there are improper safety precautions in place, these accidents are even more likely. Falls can cause traumatic brain injuries, spine and spinal cord damage, and other bodily trauma.
  • Falling Objects: Tools and other objects can cause severe damage if they fall from a height onto a person. Items that are unsecured on buildings, improperly crafted scaffolding, or unsecured items in cranes and hoists can all be very hazardous to employees and others on the site. Hard hats are not always sufficient to protect from spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Equipment Accidents: Accidents with machinery and other heavy equipment can be catastrophic. Many worksites use equipment like bulldozers, saws, forklifts, drills, and excavators.Accidents can occur if individuals are not trained properly, if safety requirements are not met, if the machinery is not maintained, or if the equipment is defective. They can cause burns, lacerations, crushing injuries, amputation, or other serious injuries.
  • Vehicle Accidents: Car accidents can occur on construction sites with worksite vehicles or by non-employee vehicles. Employees and bystanders can be hit by vehicles if drivers are careless or not fully trained. Get a consultation with our Edwardsville car accident lawyer now.
  • Electrocutions: Exposed wiring and the use of power tools are common on construction sites and can cause individuals to be electrocuted if equipment is faulty or individuals do not take proper care.
  • Fires and Explosions: There are many hazardous materials dug up, used, or stored on construction sites that could potentially start fires and cause explosions. These accidents can be devastating, causing deaths and long-term pain and disability.
  • Structural Collapses: Collapses can occur during excavations, in construction trenches, because of unsafe buildings, or even because of a poor demolition job. These accidents can cause crushing injuries and fatalities.
  • Developmental Strains and Sprains: Overexertion can result in developmental injuries and repetitive motion injuries. Completing the same motion every day or lifting heavy objects can cause strain on muscles over time. These are workplace injuries, even if they are not directly from an accident.
  • Hazardous Exposure: Hazardous materials and chemicals are often present on construction sites. Long-term exposure to these materials can cause employees to suffer developmental illnesses, such as exposure to lead, asbestos, dust and debris, and other materials. If proper safety equipment isn’t used, these risks increase for employees.
  • Heat Stroke: Construction employees who work in high heat can suffer from heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Regulations for rest, hydration, and breaks should be followed to limit this risk.

Edwardsville Construction Injury Law FAQs

Q: Can You Sue for a Work Injury in Edwardsville, Illinois?

A: You can’t usually sue for a work injury as an employee because you can recover compensation through workers’ compensation insurance. Most employees are able to recover compensation under this system.

If another party other than your employer was at fault for the accident, you could file a personal injury claim against them. If your employer intentionally caused your injury, you may be eligible to file a claim against them. An Edwardsville personal injury lawyer can determine what applies to your unique accident.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Get a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Edwardsville, IL?

A: How long it takes to get a workers’ comp settlement in the state relies on numerous factors. If you are still receiving medical care for an injury or illness, settlement may wait until you reach maximum improvement and both parties can determine your likely medical costs now and into the future.

How complex the facts of your accident or incident were and the evidence available will affect how long a settlement takes. Your settlement may also take longer if your employer is uncooperative or is contesting your claims.

Q: What Is the Statute of Limitations for Construction Site Injuries in Edwardsville, IL?

A: The statute of limitations for construction site injuries in the state is the time limit in which you have to file a claim. If you do not file by the deadline, you lose your right to receive compensation for your injuries and other damages. The statute of limitations can range from two to five years, depending on the circumstances of the injury. It’s important not to wait too long, or your attorney may have insufficient time to gather evidence to support your claim.

Q: How Much Do Workers’ Comp Lawyers Charge in Edwardsville, IL?

A: Workers’ comp lawyers in Illinois usually charge a contingency fee, which is set at 20% for most workers’ compensation cases. You should always discuss fees and costs with a potential attorney before you hire them. Under a contingency fee, you usually only owe attorney’s fees if the case is successful, and those fees are taken directly from your final settlement. You are usually much more likely to recover higher compensation with the help of an attorney.

Reach Out to an Edwardsville Attorney Following a Construction Injury

The team at Joshua R. Evans, Attorney at Law, wants to help injured employees and other individuals get the compensation they deserve. If you or a loved one was injured from an accident or hazardous exposure on a construction site, our team can determine if you have a valid claim to recover damages like medical bills and lost income. Contact our firm today.

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105 N.State Street
Jerseyville, IL 62052

phone: (618) 498-0001

fax: 618-266-2845

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