Edwardsville Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

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Edwardsville Workers Compensation Lawyer

Edwardsville Workers’ Compensation Attorney

There’s nothing fun about suffering workplace injuries or trying to grasp the nuances of the Illinois workers’ compensation program. In Illinois, workers’ comp is designed to be a no-fault system that provides benefits such as medical bills, disability payments, and wage supplements for work-related injuries. Unfortunately, getting the benefits you deserve is not always an easy process. An Edwardsville workers’ compensation lawyer can help you resolve disputes with your employer or its insurance carrier.

What Qualifies for Workers’ Comp in Illinois?

Workers’ compensation covers a variety of injuries that workers may incur during the course of their employment. These can be traumatic injuries, such as those occurring from a single slip or fall. They may also suffer an injury that develops over time, such as a chronic back condition from years of lifting heavy items. Workers’ compensation covers economic damages, like lost work time, medical treatment, and wage replacement. Examples of these injuries can include:

  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Machinery-related injuries
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Exposure to hazardous substances
  • Overexertion injuries
  • Vehicle-related accidents
  • Falls from heights
  • Crush injuries
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Electrical injuries
  • Hearing loss

Essential Actions Following a Workplace Injury

What you do in the few hours, days, and weeks following a work injury could have a huge impact on your workers’ compensation claim. What you do immediately after an injury can help you get the medical care you need, prevent disagreements with your employer or its insurer as to the cause of the injury, and make the claims process move more smoothly for you.

  • Report Your Injury: In Illinois, you have 45 days to report your injury. You can submit this report orally or in written form.
  • See an Approved Medical Provider: Per the Illinois workers’ compensation laws, you must initially visit one of your employer’s approved providers if one is available. If you are not satisfied with their care, you can then go to another provider of your choice.
  • Document All the Details of the Injury: This includes treatments, bills, and correspondence with employers and their insurance, etc.
  • Follow the Prescribed Medical Advice: You must follow whatever is directed by your healthcare practitioner. Non-compliance can result in the denial of any benefits.
  • File an Application for Adjustment of Claim: If your claim is denied, file an application to request an arbitration hearing. It is crucial to file this application, even if you are currently receiving benefits, as doing so can maintain your right to appeal if necessary.
  • Talk to an Attorney: It is wise to consult a personal injury attorney at the beginning of the process.

Understanding Compensation and Benefits

Workers’ compensation benefits in Illinois can help you manage your financial responsibilities as you recover from your work-related injury. Illinois workers’ compensation benefits can include:

  • Medical Expenses: Workers’ compensation is intended to cover all ‘reasonable and necessary’ medical treatments for a work injury.
  • Temporary Total Disability (TTD): If you are no longer able to work due to your injury, you could be eligible for TTD benefits.
  • Permanent Partial Disability (PPD): If your injury results in irreversible whole-body impairment (but not permanent total disability) then you could receive these lifetime benefits.
  • PTD (Permanent Total Disability): You may receive PTD benefits if your debilitating injury is such that you cannot engage in any kind of work.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation: If you cannot return to your previous job, workers’ comp benefits can fund your training for a new line of work.

Why You Should Hire an Edwardsville Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Having an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer on your side could make the difference between winning and losing your claim. We offer:

  • Knowledgeable Navigation: A skilled attorney can help you file forms and meet deadlines as they guide you through the complexities of the workers’ compensation system.
  • Dispute Resolution: If your claim is denied or contested, a lawyer can represent you at hearings and negotiations. This can help you achieve a favorable outcome.
  • Maximizing Benefits: Lawyers can determine your eligibility for certain benefits and help you file a claim against any at-fault third parties.


Q: What Is the Average Workers’ Comp Settlement in Illinois?

A: There is no average workers’ compensation settlement, as the amount is based on the details of your injury and the kind of medical treatment you received. In Illinois, severe injuries can often lead to higher settlements than minor injuries. A large portion of any settlement compensation is for medical expenses, lost wages, and your inability to work in the future.

Q: Can Workers’ Comp Stop Paying You in Illinois?

A: Yes, workers’ comp payments can stop in Illinois. However, your situation must meet certain conditions before this can happen. If your doctor decides that you have attained maximum medical improvement (MMI), your benefit payments will likely stop. Your benefits can also end if you fail to follow your doctor’s treatment plan, as it was prescribed, or if you fail to attend your medical appointments or hearings. Furthermore, if it is discovered that your injury is not related to your job, your benefits will almost certainly be terminated.

Q: Can I Lose My Health Insurance While on Workers’ Comp in Illinois?

A: Yes, you may lose your health insurance while on workers’ compensation in Illinois. You are at a high risk of losing your employer-sponsored health insurance if you are forced to remain away from work for a significant length of time. There is a possibility that you could be eligible for COBRA benefits, which can enable you to continue your health insurance plan, but this will be at your own expense.

Q: How Long Does Workers’ Comp Last in Illinois?

A: The duration of your workers’ comp payments depends on the severity of your injuries. Temporary disability payments can last as long as you are disabled. However, permanent disability payments can continue for the rest of your life or for a specific number of weeks, based on the specific nature of your disability.

Contact an Edwardsville Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Workers’ compensation provides payments for medical treatment, which is billed directly to insurers. It also provides wage replacement for employees who were injured while on the job. Employees receive payments for injuries until their return, allowing them to obtain care without the usual claims and fighting between employers and insurers or losing important rights.

Joshua R. Evans, Attorney at Law, is dedicated to aiding workers in Edwardsville as they pursue compensation through the workers’ comp system. Our firm can help you as you seek the benefits you need and deserve.

Contact us today to schedule a workers’ compensation case consultation.

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105 N.State Street
Jerseyville, IL 62052

phone: (618) 498-0001

fax: 618-266-2845

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