Granite City Car Accident Lawyer

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Best Granite City Car Accident Lawyer

Granite City Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are unfortunately not rare. They happen all the time to people of every demographic. They can be mild irritations, catastrophic tragedies, and everything in between. It depends entirely on the details of the accident. Dealing with the fallout of a bad car accident can be an overwhelming and stressful experience, especially if you are attempting to handle every detail on your own. If you have been involved in a car accident, you should speak with a Granite City car accident lawyer.

Under Illinois state law, almost every driver in the state must, at a minimum, carry liability insurance to cover an incident if they are involved in a serious car accident. In the event that your injuries are particularly severe, you may want to consider reaching out to a Granite City personal injury lawyer and start the pursuit of compensatory damages. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you develop your case and pursue a claim.

What To Do After a Car Accident

Car accidents in Granite City are often unpredictable, dangerous, and potentially life-threatening. It is important that you know what to do in the event of a car accident. Depending on your injuries at the scene, you may be able to start building your car accident claim almost immediately after the accident. A few of the steps you can take to protect yourself in the event of a car accident include:

  • Remain Calm: Immediately after a car accident, regardless of how bad it may be, your first instinct may be to panic. It is vital that you try and remain calm. Panicking cannot help your situation and could, in fact, make it worse. Once you have regained your composure and started to calm down, try and assess your situation.
  • Check for Injuries: Be sure to check yourself for any obvious physical injuries you may have sustained in the crash. If you do not find any, be sure to do the same for any passengers who may be in the vehicle with you.
  • Call 911: Once you have cleared yourself of any immediate injuries, call 911. If you are too injured to move, stay put and don’t try to move yourself. If possible, have someone else in the car call 911 on your behalf. If you are able to call 911, request police presence and an ambulance when someone checks on you.
  • Remain at the Scene: It is vital that you do not attempt to leave the scene of an accident. Fleeing the scene of an accident is considered a Class A misdemeanor in Illinois and could land you in significant legal trouble. Once the authorities arrive, be totally honest with the police but do not admit fault for the accident. A police report can be beneficial to your case later on, but admitting fault is likely to hurt your case.
  • Document the Scene: Once the authorities have cleared you and the paramedics have checked you for injuries, you can start to document the accident scene. Take photos of any injuries that were sustained in the accident, any damage that was done to every vehicle involved, any property damage, and the conditions of the road. Be sure to speak to any witnesses who may have seen the accident occur.
  • See a Lawyer: Once you have shared insurance information with the other driver and gone to a medical professional to be certain you are not injured, you should start searching for a car accident lawyer to handle your case. Your lawyer will speak to the other driver’s insurance company on your behalf, but you will need to notify yours as soon as possible.

FAQs for Car Accident Attorneys

Q: Can an Attorney Help if I Have Been Involved in a Car Accident?

A: An attorney can usually help if you have been involved in a car accident. They can help you determine appropriate steps, as well as take over discussions with your insurance and the insurance of the other parties. An attorney can essentially take over the legal aspects of recovering damages so you can focus on healing from your physical and emotional damages.

Q: What Constitutes a Crash in Illinois?

A: In Illinois, a crash is considered any incident involving a motor vehicle colliding with another vehicle, a pedestrian, or an obstruction in the road. Insured drivers who are involved in a crash on Illinois roads are legally required to file a crash report if the crash in question resulted in a death, serious injury, or over $1,500 in property damage. If there is no police officer at the scene of the accident, you still need to file a report with the police within ten days.

Q: Do You Need a Police Report for a Fender Bender in Illinois?

A: Technically, you do not need to file a police report for a fender bender in Illinois. State law demands that a crash report must be filed only if the crash resulted in someone’s death, a serious injury, or property damage that totals at least $1,500. Still, just because you do not have to file a police report does not mean you shouldn’t. Having a valid police report can be beneficial when it comes time to file a claim.

Q: Does Illinois Have Caps on Personal Injury Damages?

A: If you have questions about the potential compensation cap on damages acquired during an accident, a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can help. Not only can an attorney help you determine if there is a cap on damages, but they can also help you determine the appropriate amount to ask for from the liable parties. An attorney will understand how to apply a number to situations that may be difficult to quantify, like pain and suffering.

Reach Out to an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today

Dealing with the aftermath of a severe car accident can be a traumatizing and confusing situation. You may be feeling isolated, hurt, and scared. Fortunately, you do not have to go through this alone. The legal team at Joshua R. Evans, Attorney at Law, can help you build your case and ensure that you are able to seek compensatory damages from the liable parties. Contact us to schedule a consultation with a valued team member today.

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105 N.State Street
Jerseyville, IL 62052

phone: (618) 498-0001

fax: 618-266-2845

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